Tracy Black

Author's posts

Something’s Happening Here

We had a great spring! A wonderful summer. And one of the most beautiful falls anyone remembers.

The weather providing great opportunity to get chores done. Ian cleared brush in the new field. Another 12 feet along the east edge of the field! Bigger loops in the field, classic and … more

Yoga Schedule October 21st-November 4th (Schedule At The End)

A different point of view. A new perspective. Looking at something from a different angle. The drone gives us a whole new picture. What can you see differently today?

And another Mary Oliver poem. Check out the last line– the piled firewood shifts a little, longing to be on its … more

Yoga Schedule October 5th-October 19th (Schedule At The End)

Everyone seems to have a favorite season. Catie, the 3rd grader, is always wanting to know my favorite season, or color, or animal. My favorite season is… well…..spring when the weather is nice and the bugs aren’t out. Or maybe summer, I love the fresh mornings, I love the heat, … more

Yoga Schedule September 20th-October 5th (Schedule At The End)

My view from “work”. My work for the last 3 weeks has included weed eating ski trails. And the view is mostly down. Change the perspective, and look up!!! The sky has been blue, the trees are green, red and yellow. The moon has put on an amazing show. I … more

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