Tracy Black

Author's posts

The skiing is Magical.

Open, 24º at 6am. 3 inches of snow this morning. Snow in the forecast again today with the forecast high 27º. 25 km open, all trails. 25 km classic and 6 km skate. Upper trails groomed today, lower trails a little powdery, icing on the cake.

The skiing yesterday was … more

January 26, 2021

Open, 6º at 6 am, clear skies. Forecast high 25º and sunny. 25 km open, 25 km classic and 6 km skate. Great track, hard pack skiing. Snow late today and tonight.

Chickadee is Pristine

Open, 8º at 7am. Another 1/2 inch of snow yesterday afternoon and evening. Maybe snow again today with the forecast high 27º. Low trails groomed today, upper trails a little powdery

All trails open, 25 km classic and 6 km skate. The skiing is phenomenal! Dick said the Chickadee is … more

Most excellent mid winter skiing.

Open, 21º and snowing, 2.5 inches of snow last 24 hours. The skiing is so good and if we have learned anything it is to ski a lot while the skiing is good. 25 km classic and 6 km skate.

Ian groomed everything yesterday. So today you get to ski … more

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