Open, 19º at 7am and cloudy. The forecast is for 35º and overcast. The skiing is great!

Everything is open, but the Loon. The Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, the Grouse, Goshawk, and Peregrine, and the Chickadee/Waite’s Place Loop and the Upper and Middle Blue Jay.
The skiing is wonderful! Fabulous and great!

Isabel and Andy skied their own Wild Wings 50 km classic yesterday. They couldn’t make it to Craftsbury, they stayed here to coach a high school race on Friday night. So, the next best thing is to create your own. And now we have the Caldwell Classic 50 km. Four trips around the Chickadee, Middle Blue Jay and Upper Blue Jay. Down to the bottom after each of that 11 km loop, some food, and the final lap, just Chickadee, for a grand total of 50 km. The snow was not fast, so there was a lot of effort involved,

And look at that t-shirt!