Open, 9º at 7 am. Forecast high 29º. Clear early, clouding up later.
A half inch of new snow late yesterday. Ian groomed the Peregrine, Grouse and Turkey. Woodcock and Snow Goose will be a little bit powdery. The low trail system is 10 km all with a good skate lane and nice tracks.
Chickadee and Upper Blue Jay have decent coverage on most of the trail. And a few thin spots where the natural topograph of the land is apparent. There are a few slick spots under the new snow a few people have noticed. Until we get more snow if you aren’t a strong skier, think of these trails as an expert trail.
We have a local kids group on Friday afternoons starting at 2:45, if you can ski before that you will avoid the craziness. (Or mayhem.)
Why we ski deep into the woods. “To be quiet, even wordless, in a good place is a better gift than poetry.”
from Ol’ Wendell Berry, in his collection called This Day.
Love Ol Wendell Barry, Wild Wings, and the Black family.
Miss you two! And all that lovin right back at you.