Open at 9. The temperature at 7:30 am is 23º. The forecast high is 52º and the sun is shining.
Photo on the right is from last night, grooming with the snow cat on the Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, and Grouse. Photo on the left is snow mobile grooming on the Chickadee and Loon. So, groomed 2 days ago, but not last night; Middle and Upper Blue Jay, and Peregrine and Goshawk.
It is spring skiing at it’s finest. Trails groomed last night will be loose frozen granular this morning, fast and skiable. Trails not groomed last night will be better after the sun hits them and the temperature goes up, about 11 am.
Hope you saw the lunar eclipse last night. The stars were putting on quite a show too. I did get up and go out once, but I also had a view from my bedroom window.
With spring skiing comes mud season. The road today has some ruts and some wash boards and some pot holes. The condition of the road can be what causes us to close down. I will post that here. If or when it happens. But for now, mud season driving; drive slow, aim high, don’t stop. Some folks have no problem with mud and others find it quite intimidating.
The plan as of this morning is to be open today. Open Saturday. Wait and see what is happening for Sunday.
Thanks Tracy
I read your comments every morning as a pick me up. If you ever get writers block it never shows! Thanks for another great year.
Ditto to Kevin. I can’t believe how you guys are anble to eke out the last blessed moments of Cross Country Skiing before nature inevitably wins out. As long as you all are there, it won’t be without a fight. I wish I could be there.