4.2 inches of snow at 6:30am Friday, Dec. 16th


Closed, 28º at 6:30 on Friday morning. Most of New England is enjoying a snow day today. It’s beginning to look a lot like winter!

If the snow stays dry enough to groom, we will be open on Saturday. Low trails only to start.

The forecast is 10 – 16 more inches of snow today and tonight.

I know you are excited to ski, but we are on a hurry up and wait to see what happens schedule. We are as antsy as anyone to get out there. But the temperature is going to go up to 32º this afternoon and into the evening and we know it will pay to wait.

So enjoy your snow day. A fire and hot chocolate. Snow shoe a path for your dog. If you put on some skis remember to use Maxiglide or something to keep the snow from icing on. (Olive oil if you have nothing else.) We have switched to Mountain Flow eco wax, it doesn’t have any petroleum products and will be better for everyone including the environment. Ask about it next time you’re here. And we all know their new Nordic rep, Simi Hamilton!


    • Sheri Lindner on December 16, 2022 at 9:21 am

    Yup! Itchy to get onto skis and those gorgeous trails! Hope to see you Saturday! Lindners

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