20 km open. Yes, Chickadee!!!!


Open, 26º at 6:30am. 8.5 inches of snow for a storm total.

20km open today. Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Peregrine and Chickadee. A work in progress, Middle and Upper Blue Jay.

All the grooming was done last night, which makes for a great packed powder surface. New snow, packed and tracked left to set up; great skiing.

The photo above is of grooming in progress on the Chickadee. I watch this and think I could drive the snow machine.

It has been a little windy out there. Some snow has come out of the trees. So on top of Ian and Jonathan’s great grooming you will find a little wind blown snow. (While this should be a little bit irritating, we need all the snow we can get in the trails, and we will take anyway it falls.)


    • Diana on January 24, 2023 at 9:56 am

    Yay! Winter has finally arrived in all her glory with an assist from Ian and Jonathan! Thank you guys!

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