Open, 10º at 6:30 am and sunny. Forecast high 21º and sunny. Loose frozen granular base, with a track set, or double track. 12 km classic and 6 km skate.
The skiing is good, on the trails Ian can take the snow cat on. Today we have Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk and Peregrine. Not today, Chickadee and Upper and Middle Blue Jay.

The top and bottom photos from this morning, finger and all. Part of the trail below has been groomed, part hasn’t, you can see the difference. This will all be groomed by the time he is finished going around.

We had 2.5 inches of sleet that absorbed some freezing rain and rain. It was heavy and wet. The temperature went to 36º and the snow slide off the metals roofs. The crust, where the groomer did not grind up the snow is thick. Thick enough to walk on until you break through. The kind of crust a kid could stay on top of, but you couldn’t.