Open, 26º and snowing. Forecast high 31º and snowing, windy, cold. I am so happy!!!!! Winter is here. And the skiing is good. I love this weather!!!!!!!!!!! Break out your warm clothes. Find your neck gaiter. If the wind is blowing watch for branches.
21 Km open. Ian is grooming with Big Red today. Which means we have enough snow and that just makes me giddy. Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse, Goshawk and Peregrine, all with the Pistenbully. Chickadee, Loon and Upper Loop of the Blue Jay, snow mobile and track sled. Middle Blue Jay is a work in progress.
21 km classic and 6 km skate. Plan from there.
5 inches of new snow overnight. 17 inches of snow, storm total. A friend told me on Friday afternoon that the secret is, when there is a good, but iffy snow storm in the forecast, the secret is to wear your pajamas wrong side out. He and his kids had done it the night before the 44 inch storm, and tadaa, big snow. So Friday night I turned my jammies inside out, and wow. I did it again Saturday night. I think now I will turn them back to right side out, and wait for another forecast where we need to wish and hope it into snow, snow, snow.

I love getting photos from skiers. Andrew sent me 9 photos yesterday. Besides skiing more this year he is learning to use film and develop his photos at home in his own darkroom. His photos are great and I am grateful he will share with us.
Me, I am knitting sweaters to while away my Covid time. I have finished 3 sweaters, I have 2 more that are in the process of getting sleeves.
I am watching many people ski more or learn to ski. I am hoping when Covid times have calmed down we keep skiing and taking photos and knitting sweaters.