What a day. Snow, cold and good skiing. Seventeen km. Chickadee is open.


Open, 5º at 7 am, 5 inches of new snow this morning. Forecast high 16º. Above grooming photo from this morning.

This is winter. I am not going to say it is cold, I am going to say it is winter and it isn’t raining. Cold and new snow! Fabulous!

17 km open for skiing today the Turkey, Grouse , Woodcock, Snow Goose and Peregrine. Thanks to lots of work by Ian and Jonathan, add Chickadee to the list. The skiing today will be delightful. Remember cold snow is slow snow.

Grooming picture from last night packing on the Peregrine. This is a still from a video our neighbor Tiffany got last night. Thanks for sharing Tiff!

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