This morning 1.5 inches of new snow, and snowing.


Open, 20º and snowing. It did snow off and on all night and at 6:30 this morning we had 1.5 inches of new snow. More snow expected today

All trails are open and the skiing is great!

A photo from Peregrine yesterday:

This photo is from yesterday and was taken on Blue Jay. This is what skiing on packed, groomed trails with a few inches of new snow is like.

This is how skiers felt about the skiing yesterday;

And with fresh snow, headed toward spring the animals are moving around. Jud has seen bobcat tracks, from a bobcat couple, moving around and yesterday this photo was taken by Wyatt;

There has been a suggestion to have a celebratory board of skiers who have done the entire 25 km in a day. I am starting to get a board and space ready. We need a title for the board. Anyone? And then you would need to pick your best day to make it happen. It can only happen when all trails are open. It is easier when the snow if lovely, like right now.


    • Hilleary Coleman on February 28, 2023 at 9:00 am

    Jamie has already completed the challenge, but he will gladly do again!
    When you hike the Adirondack peaks, you become a 49-er.
    How about 25-ers?
    We will try to do in the next week.

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