Open, 10º at 6 am and snowed 4.3 inches of snow yesterday, right this minute, clear skies. Forecast high 22º, and sun. 25 km classic and 6 km skate. Ian is out grooming, but has left you some fresh powder on the Middle and Upper Blue Jay and the Loon. All other trails packed and tracked. (Skate lane is firm! Ian packed it with the PistenBully.) And it is Ian’s birthday. Someone bring the birthday groomer a donut!)

Happy, happy skiers from yesterday! Quote from Tara, “It was the best ski of my life today! Didn’t see one person. I needed the peace! Thank you!!!” Photo thanks to Tara!

Twelve skiers from Stratton Mountain School toured the Chickadee. A little wind and then a snowy, cold neck. Photo thanks to George.
I will be announcing times for a snow plow clinic tomorrow. Need to talk to Jud.