Open at 9 am. The temperature at 6 am is 18º. The forecast high is 20º and morning snow. The wind has been blowing. The fields are windy, but, as soon as you get into the woods, you will be out of the wind.
We had half an inch of snow overnight. The skiing is amazing. The first photo, skiers on the Peregrine in the Magic Forest. That is a great place to be!
The next photo, skiers participating in a skate clinic. The clinic was hosted by Zac and Amy from West Hill Shop. There were about 30 skiers here for the clinic. The food truck girls watched for an hour and reported great improvement.
About the longer trails, need more snow. Ian took a machine around Middle and Upper Blue Jay yesterday, and we need more snow. We had lost a lot of base on Blue Jays and Chickadee during the pre-Christmas rains, and this light fluffy snow does not make good base.