Open, 2º and partly cloudy, snow possible after noon. Forecast high today 8º.
23 km open, Turkey, Grouse, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Peregrine, Chickadee. Upper and Middle Blue Jay. The skiing is fantastic!
The photos below are what the skiing is like today. The night time grooming photo shows what gets us to today. Ian was in the groomer for quite a while last night and the skiing is better today than it was yesterday. And yesterday was great!

Do you allow snowshoeing on your property?
If so, how much is the trail pass?
I have XC skied many times, but want to come to snowshoe instead.
Yes we allow snowshoeing on the side of the ski trail. We beg people not to snowshoe on the ski track. A full day pass is $25 and a pass after 1 pm is $20.
The skiing yesterday was awesome!! One of the best days ever!