Open, 37º and misting at 7:30 am. All trails are open.
That being said with this loose granular base start with an easy trail, that may be where you want to ski today. The loose granular base is faster than powder but very skiable. I did have to make some adjustments while skiing. I was in and out of the track quite a few times. The track was more slippery in some spots. But I stepped out of the track onto the looser middle section and it skied very nicely.
Chuck’s mom always said this kind of snow made green trails blue and blue trails black. Choose wisely.
Tonight the temperature is going to dip down to 2º or 3º. The wind is suppose to blow and the snow on the ground will freeze up. Ian will be out tomorrow with the big PistenBully snow cat groomer. This groomer has a power tiller on it just to deal with hard frozen snow. I will let you in the morning how it is going.

This is a photo of Audrey skiing on the Woodcock on February 23rd. We have had amazing skiing! The skiing today is much faster than it was that day.

Blue is the new Black! I was getting sick of orange anyway. (I’m waiting for Dave Utiger to add something clever about your new last name being Blue).