Skiing is really good, and the Upper Blue Jay is open. (You can only get there from Chickadee.)


Open at 9 am. The temperature at 5:30 am is 12º. We had a couple inches of new snow between Monday night and Tuesday. Ian groomed Tuesday night. Holy smokes we are lucky to have enough snow to have great skiing.

18.5 km open now! Thanks to the shoveling duo, Ian and Dick.

The “low trails”, Woodcock, Turkey, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, and Peregrine are groomed with a skate lane and a track. The Chickadee and Upper Blue Jay are groomed flat but still only for classic skiing (narrow trails).

And check this out! Skida had a photo shoot here for their Valentines pattern release. My friend Maaika is the photographer, she is amazing. She and Skida (our new friend Eliza) were here to do this photo shoot and used our family as hat wearers, and models.

Here are some of the photos: the pattern is really great, the photos are beyond wonderful. We have a limited supply in stock with our logo on them. Or, you can buy directly from Skida. It is a great, happy hat! Love you Maaika, thanks for the great photos. Love you Skida, thanks for the warm, happy hats! You can check out more hats from the Valentine’s Day collection here.


    • Charlene on January 15, 2025 at 6:13 am

    Thank you for the wonderful photos. I love Wild Wings and Skida hats! I learned about the hats from Wild Wings where I bought my first Skida hat and now have a few as they’re fantastic. I hope to see you sometime this season – conditions look great and love your emails. All the best, Charlene

    • Madeleine McGinley on January 15, 2025 at 7:53 am

    We’ll be there this weekend in our happy Skida hats! They are simply the best!

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