Open, 29º and cloudy. High today 31º, clouds and sun. This picture is from this morning. It was a pleasure to ski on. The snow is faster than it has been but is still really skiable. 18 km classic and 6 km skate.
Ian is out grooming and will groom Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse, Peregrine and Chickadee. He will not groom Loon or Middle and Upper Blue Jay today. And today the groomer to use is ….ta da…..the Ranger!

The temperature was warm yesterday and the snow was wet, the wind blew overnight and the snow has dried out. There are a few sticks and twigs and pine cones that have blown down. I picked up some on Turkey, if you see any big ones, toss them aside.

The skies have been very dramatic this winter. This photo is from this morning.
And this photo was yesterday, Wednesday, morning.