Skiing is fantastic! All trails are open.


Open, 27º at 6 am. 12.5 inches of snow, storm total. Forecast is for cloudy skies, with a high of 35º, and maybe a few snowflakes. Bring along the Maxi Glide. Ask if you don’t know about it.

Skiing really doesn’t get any better than this. If you’re waiting for the perfect day, this is it! Between Ian and Jonathan all trails were groomed and regroomed yesterday or last night. Skiing this morning;

We also have an instructor available today for a 1:00 lesson. Give me a call if you or your group would like to fill the spot!

If you have been thinking Ian pretty much lives in or on a grooming machine, you are right. Audrey brought him dinner in the snow cat last night for a snow cat date. And she got a few photos. Thanks Audrey!

We are still working on a board of fame for all the 25ers. Skiing all trails in one day. If you do it, get me some photos and we will start posting on “the board”. It has been suggested we have a two-fer spot on the board, for doing every trail on two consecutive days.

And a photo of yesterday, snow, skiing, and a fun!!! Thanks for the photo Hillary


    • Cliff on March 5, 2023 at 7:12 am

    Full Feather Rooster with one of the Os crossed out?

    • Bill on March 5, 2023 at 4:06 pm

    Hey – I think you were asking for suggestions for the “Full Monty” ( not my suggested name tho…) of completing all 9 trails and 25 km of skiing. How about the “9-25, or just 925 board”?

    • Bill on March 5, 2023 at 4:09 pm

    Sorry, meant to say 10-25 / 1025 board! 😳
    I’m a newbie here, just skied WW for the first time last Wednesday…and apparently I can’t count or add? 😉

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