Newly groomed, new snow, new best ski day.


Open, 20º another 1.8 inches of snow yesterday. About 3.5” total for the storm. Forecast today, some sun early, snow possible this afternoon with a high temperature of 37º.

Details about skiing: all of the trails groomed last night: Turkey, Woodcock Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, Peregrine, Chickadee, and the Blue Jays!

Looking good today!
Chickadee this morning
Photo from the snowcat – 8pm 2/28

We might have had another dud of a snowstorm, but with all the duds added together, we’re actually building a decent base! It would have been nice to have this much snow in the middle of January, rather than beginning of March, but we’ll just have to enjoy it now…

Powdery Chickadee 2/28

Tomorrow (Thursday) the weather doesn’t look all that great – a little warmer with chance for rain. We will stay open but will not do any grooming until it freezes again Thursday night / Friday early morning.

Snowy nights

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