Look At All That Snow


Open, 26º and mostly cloudy. The forecast high is 38º and cloudy. 20 km skiing, plus 6 km of skate skiing. The skiing on the 90% of the low trails is really good, the other a little thin in a few spots. The Chickadee will be bumpier, but beautiful and Loon bumpiest with a fast downhill.

I love seeing anything from a different point of view. Look at all the snow. We could use more, everything would be easier. But we really have enough to have good skiing.

Carl wrote yesterday on Instagram, “The skiing was great today!”

The conditions today will be a little more variable, because the temperature will be warmer.

I get asked many times a day about the weather forecast. Right now, according to the forecast, there are weather events coming for Wednesday night, Thursday and Friday. When I look at the weather channel app forecast pictures it all looks easy to talk about. When I read the paragraphs and pages the local weather guys put out, it is really complicated and we won’t know the totals until it is over.

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