Open, 2º and partly cloudy, snow possible after noon. Forecast high today 8º. 21 km open, Turkey, Grouse, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Peregrine, Chickadee. Upper and Middle Blue Jay. The skiing is fantastic.
Hours & Phone
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., (802) 824-6793
Trail Conditions
February 24, 2025
We are
@ 6 am
Forecast Today
40º cloudy
Good skiing. Warmer weather means changing conditions. In general, above freezing slower, below freezing faster.
Carry a knapsack. If you overdress you can carry your extra clothes.
When Nordic skiing we all warm up quite a bit. So that makes it a great sport for cold weather (No chairlift). Sweating does happen. A dry shirt to wear for your second lap and/or to wear home is really nice.