Open, 7º and blue sky. Forecast for today, high 28º. Five inches of snow yesterday morning. Groomed this morning, 10 km open. Open today, Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, and Peregrine. We will open Chickadee and Blue Jay as soon as possible.
Photos from this morning: the tracks are amazing, and the skate lane is really great too!!!

The sun will be out this morning. Clouding up this afternoon and snow starting. More snow! Great skiing. We are still skiing on the low trails. The warm weather did a number on the snow pack last weekend. We shoveled our little fannies off on Sunday. So the base is good down low. Up above still needs this next snow fall. Ask when you get here if you have any questions.
The skiing for the weekend is looking good. High temperatures for the next few days are in the 20’s and lows in the 10’s. Perfect ski weather.