Heavenly skiing.


Open at 9 am. The temperature at 6:30 am is 11º, the forecast high is 26º and partly sunny.

Ian groomed the low trails last night, the skiing is as close to perfect as we can get. What a great winter we having!

“One day, ski all the trails.” There are 5 names on the board, one of the skier is 12 and one 84. G did all the trails on Sunday, and Dick did all the trails on Monday. Today and tomorrow will still be perfect for a ski all trails day.

Thursday looks a like it won’t be as fabulous. Snow, wintery mix, the “r” word. But we will come out the other side with great skiing. We have enough snow to use the tiller on the snow cat, and it gives us really good skiing. Thursday will just be a blip.

And today………..

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