Happy Solstice, Come Out For A Ski


Open, 6º and a beautiful sunny morning.

Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey and Grouse are open. Ian and crew have shoveled like crazy so the coverage is pretty good, but watch out for roots or stones. After Alex’s ski yesterday she said, “it was pleasant.” And she brought her skis back last night to the Solstice party. So she is ready to ski again.

If we had more snow, the skiing would be better. But on the limited amount of snow we had the skiing is ok.

Cold Solstice party last night. Notice the log candle in the picture. I tried the log a couple years ago, with a log piece cut that day. Not a huge success. Ian cut the log in the picture in August and stored it in the barn. It lit with a little piece of birch bark. Worked so well it burned out before the party was over, and it was cold and the party ended early.

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