Open at 9 am. The current temperature is 14º, the sky is partly cloudy. The forecast high is 26º, and maybe a snow flurry or two. Possible snow overnight and again tomorrow.
16.5 km of skiing. The Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, Peregrine, and Chickadee are open. Fresh grooming on the Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse and Peregrine. The skiing surface is a nice hard pack. Good tracks and solid skate lane (no track on Chickadee and a few thin areas).
Skiing for the weekend looks great. The temperatures in the 20’s. Get out and enjoy.
PS, we are having web hosting server issues on the servers in California. No emails are being automatically generated. They hope to have this fixed by next week sometime.