Closed Thursday and Friday. It is 38º at 6:30 am. We had .68 inches of precipitation so far.
Snow is holding up so far – but we are only 12 hours into a 40 hour thaw, with the warmest temperatures still to come. And another round of unfreezing precipitation Friday morning.
We still have snow, by closing we are hoping to come out ahead when the temperatures drop and the rain turns back to snow.
It is quite a coincidence that today we are full on January 25th photo, the rain and melting snowman. The timeline on the snowman this year would have been full, lovely snowman on January 23, the sleeted filled in snowman January, 24, and the melting snowman January 25.
“I’m shrinking, I’m shrinking” and yet, unlike the witch, a shrinking snow woman is most unwelcome!