Category: Trail Conditions

February 17, 2020

Open, 23º and sunny. Forecast high 26º and mostly sunny. All trails open and the skiing is really good. 25 km classic and 6 km skate. Ian and Jonathan have been out grooming and they are both happy with how it is grooming out.

February 21, 2020

Open, 0º at 6 am, clear skies. Forecast high 23º and sunny. Good skiing on hard pack snow. All trails open, 25 km classic, and 6 km skate.

February 15, 2020

Open. Expected high today 23º, starting sunny, clouds rolling in. All trails open. All skiing is good to great. Middle Blue Jay is a little bumpy. 25 km of classic along with 6 km of skate.

February 14, 2020

Open, 7º and clear skies.  Forecast high 9º and mostly sunny. All trails open, 25 km. Freshly groomed this morning. 25 km classic and 6 km skate.  Best skiing of the year.  Loop of the day, Peregrine, Middle Blue Jay and Upper Blue Jay.

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