Category: Trail Conditions

December 19 and the skiing in fine

After 44.8 inches of snow, storm total, all trails are open, skiing on an 8-10 inch packed base. 25 km classic and 7 km skate. Austin said the skiing yesterday was great! Packed powder, and really good skiing.

December 18, 2020

44.8 inches of snow for the storm total. Woodcock, Turkey, Snow Goose, Goshawk and Grouse open.  Pretty good skiing, firming up. Classice skiing will be more fun today than skate skiing. Remember to fill out your contact tracing info here before you ski.

December 16, 2020

Snow in the forecast. We won’t even try to open Thursday. We are hoping for Friday. Ian will pack on Thursday, hoping for the wind to blow the snow into the trails. Remember to fill out your contact tracing info here before you ski.

December 14, 2020

Wild Wings will be open and committed to safe skiing in 20/21 as soon as we have enough snow. Wear a mask, social distance and stay home if you are sick. Booting up will be in your car or the new Covid shed. Contact tracing info can be  online or … more

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