Category: Trail Conditions

January 28, 2022

Open, 19º at 6:30am, and cloudy. Forecast high 25º. Great skiing. All trails are open, 25km. 10 km skate, 25 km classic. Skate and classic trails are Turkey, Grouse, Snow Goose, Woodcock, and Peregrine. Classic only Chickadee, Middle and Upper Blue Jay.

January 27, 2022

Open, -9º at 6:30am, clear sky. beautiful sunrise. Forecast high 22º and partly sunny. Great skiing. We have a high school race this afternoon. Ski early! Half day rates all day today.

January 26, 2022

Open, 6º and partly cloudy. Forecast high 10º and sunny. Skiing is great! The 1.5 inches of new snow yesterday. The snow makes skiing even better and everything more beautiful. All trails are open, 25 km. Many happy skiers yesterday. The skiing is really good!

January 25, 2022

Open, 20º and 1.5 inches of snow overnight. Cloudy and snow off and on during the morning, high temperature of 27º. Ian groomed the low trails this morning Great skiing, really, really good. Ski Chickadee and Loon for a great ski adventure. Every trail well be good today.

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