Open, 18º and partly sunny. Forecast high 37º and partly sunny, 25 km good skiing. Variable conditions depending on the temperature, time of day and sun.
Category: Trail Conditions
Feb 08 2022
February 8, 2022
Open, 28º and cloudy. One inch of snow overnight. High today 33º and cloudy. All trails open, 25 km open, 25 km classic and 10 km skate. The skiing is good. (You may need Maxiglide.)
Feb 07 2022
February 6, 2022
Open, 9º and clear at 7am. Forecast high 33º and maybe an inch of snow. The skiing is good. Some folks are saying it is great and a few people were finding it hard and fast. If you find it hard and fast stay on the easier trails.
Feb 06 2022
February 6, 2022
Open, -2º and clear skies. Forecast high 21º and sunny. The skiing today is fabulous. All trails open, 25 km. 25 km classic and 10 km skate.