Category: Trail Conditions

February 14, 2022

Open, 4º at 6:30 am and partly cloudy. Expected high 10º and partly sunny. 10 km open. Frozen/loose granular (firm) and pretty fast

February 12, 2022

Open, 37º at 6:30am. Forecast high 40º and the temperature dropping all day. 12º overnight. All trails open, 25 km. Spring skiing. Variable conditions, frozen granular, softer with warmer temperatures and sun.

February 11, 2022

Open, 28º and partly cloudy. Expected high today 42º continued partly cloudy. All trails are open and the skiing is good. Tonight 37º and rain. 42º on Saturday, rain, snow and cooling off.

February 10, 2022

Open, 31º and light snow. An inch of snow overnight. The forecast is for 35º and maybe a little more snow. The skiing is good. All trails are open, 25 km classic and 10 km skate.

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