Tracy Black

Author's posts

Great skiing. Feb. 2 is the day, do you have 1/2 your wood left?

Open, 18º at 7am partly cloudy sky with a very red/pink, beautiful sunrise. The forecast high today is 37º.

All trails open, 25 km of really good skiing. 25 km classic and 10 km skate.

The forecast is for a mix of rain, ice, sleet and snow. The forecast is … more

February 2, 2022

Open, 18º at 7am partly cloudy sky with a very red/pink, beautiful sunrise. The forecast high today is 38º. All trails open, 25 km of really good skiing. 25 km classic and 10 km skate.

It is 4º, and I am singing We’re Having A Heat Wave….

Open, 4º and clear beautiful starry skies at 6am. Forecast high a balmy 27º, and mostly sunny.

The skiing really wonderful. The tracks are great, the skate lane is really nice. 25 km open, 25 km classic and 10 km skate.

There are shows going on in the woods. The … more

February 1, 2022

Open, 4º and clear beautiful starry skies at 6am. Forecast high a balmy 27º, and mostly sunny. The skiing really wonderful. The tracks are great, the skate lane is really nice. 25 km open, 25 km classic and 10 km skate.

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