Tracy Black

Author's posts

Winter is back and we are open.

Open at 9 am. 26º at 6 am. 4 to 5 inches of snow overnight. The forecast high is 29º, and the wind is blowing.

Ian is in the woods on a machine. 10 km open, Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, and Peregrine. All the new snow will mean … more

Waiting…..for the new 3 inches of heavy, wet snow to dry out, and then we can groom it! Tomorrow?

Closed. We did get 3 inches of snow. And there is still base on the trails. BUT, this all needs to dry out and get cold. The temperature right now is 31º, and the temperature will hover around freezing all day.

Hopefully, we will be able to groom and ski … more

Closed, waiting for cold and new snow.

Closed today. Early this morning it is dreary, wet morning. The snow that is still on the ground is really wet and soft. Staying off the trails right now is the only way to possibly save some base. We need cold temperatures and a couple inches (at least) of new … more

The skiing is ok on Sunday.

Open at 9 am. The current temperature is 31º, and cloudy. The forecast today is for rain later in the day.

The skiing is ok. The snow will be more firm in the morning, and will soften quickly. The best skiing today, is the moment between firm and soft.

These … more

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