Tracy Black

Author's posts

January 26, 2023

Closed today. 31º at 7am. 2.7 inches of new snow. Then we had sleet, ice, and rain. The 2.7 inches are heavy and wet. Weather today, dropping temperature, forecast snow during and some wind. The snow dries out today and we groom in the morning. Open again Friday and the … more

Open 10 km, no tracks.

Open, 10 Km, Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Peregrine, and Grouse, thin on the top. No tracks, everything is groomed flat. Most of the skiing is pretty good, some spots are a little thin.

Shoveling started this morning at 5:30. AM.

Ian, Audrey and Jonathan have been out shoveling. They are … more

Open on the 21st. Limited skiing!

And we’re open, limited skiing. Seven inches of snow, storm total, 24º at 5:30am. Forecast high 28º and partly sunny. A lot of the snow is stuck up in the trees, hopefully we get a little wind to knock it out.

The skinny on the skiing: Turkey and Peregrine open … more

2.7 inches of a sleet/snow mix. Good base, hoping for more snow

Closed. 28º at 7am. Overnight, 2.7 inches of a sleet/snow mix. It is solid and is just what we needed for good base. Not enough yet, but it is a great start.

Snow is still in the forecast for most of today. We are still hopeful to have something tomorrow … more

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