Tracy Black

Author's posts

Open, 31.9 inches, storm total and counting.

Open, 27º and snowing. 31.9 inches storm total. It is a lot of snow, still snowing and blowing.

The skiing will be great! It is always wonderful to be out in new snow. It will be softer than we have had lately. And I do not know when we will … more

March 18, 2023

Open, 32º and cloudy skies. Loose granular surface groomed up nicely. Skiing is good. Open trails, Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, Peregrine. Open, not groomed today, Chickadee, and Loon. Upper and Middle Blue Jay closed until further notice.

We are closed today. We will need some time to work this new snow.

Closed today. 31º at 1 pm and snowing. Storm total 24 inches.

The forecast for snow is another couple of inches. We plan/hope to be open tomorrow. Ian will start grooming and get as far as he is able. I would not plan on all trails being groomed tomorrow.

Looks … more

Good skiing today.

Open, 28º at 7 am and cloudy. Forecast high 34º, and light snow starting this morning.

All trail open and the skiing is good. If it starts to snow, you will need some Maxi Glide.

From yesterday, Maisie and Max:

Spring is here. The parking lot is muddy, the road … more

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