Tracy Black

Author's posts

Closed, we need more snow.

Closed, waiting for more snow. The temperature this morning was 12º, the wind is blowing and making a huge mess. But the sky is blue, the sun is shining and it will be a great day to walk ski trails and pick up sticks and branches. I will leave the … more

February 29, 2024

Closed. 16º this morning and windy. We well be closed until we get more snow.

One more day to ski. This is the last day until we get more snow.

Open, 38º, cloudy and foggy. At this minute it is not raining. The temperature from the Weather Channel App on my phone tells me Peru is 45º. (We think that weather station is half way up Bromley.) Here on site the temperature is 38º. The temperature is expected to go … more

Ski it while you can. I really don’t want to say that.

Open, 27º at 7 am, clear sky and the sun is rising. Forecast high 51º, and mostly sunny.

23 km open. Turkey, Grouse and Lower Peregrine were groomed last night. They will ski perfect immediately. The other trails will soften with the sun, looks like about 10 am. The photos … more

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