Tracy Black

Author's posts

Back To Skiing Now That The Wind Is Past

Open, 7º. We did get a couple inches of snow. The sun is out today and the forecast is 13º.  We will get trails open throughout the day. Starting with Turkey and Peregrine. Then onto Woodcock and Snow Goose. We got absolutely hammered with high winds yesterday and last night, we … more

February 26, 2019

Open, 7º, light wind and sunny. Forecast high 13º.  We will get trails open throughout the day. Starting with Turkey,and Peregrine. Then Woodcock and Snow Goose. Moving on from there. We got absolutely hammered with high winds yesterday and last night, we need to clear branches and sticks before we can … more

Closed For Today, A Little Breezy Out There!

Closed for today. It is a little windy out there! The forecast, windy today and tonight gusts 40 to 50 mph. Less wind tomorrow and 12º, we will be open again on Tuesday. We still have great coverage and plenty of snow. Ian will dig into his groomer fleet and … more

February 25, 2019

Closed, 22º and windy! Stiff wind today and tonight. Less wind forecast for tomorrow, and a of high 12º. We still have plenty of snow. Great coverage and we will be open again on Tuesday.

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