Tracy Black

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2 Events This Week, Weather Dependent, Check Back

Closed, today, Monday, 14º at 7 a.m. 1 inch of snow yesterday over what remains of the base. Some areas in the woods still have great coverage. Some low areas are melted out, and some areas are patchy with stones and grass poking through.

Snow forecast for Tuesday: sounds like … more

December 11, 2019

Closed. We need snow! We will be open again as quickly as we can. Snow dances everyone! We still have some base, but the base needs a good 4 to 6 inches of snow.

Closed, Waiting For More Snow

Closed, 22º and overcast at 7 a.m. The ground is still white in most places with really frozen snow. That was quite a bit of rain. 1.2 inches measured on Tuesday morning. And .34 inches yesterday. It did snow overnight. A dusting, which is slightly more than 2 flakes and … more

Today, if you are a skier, is gross.

Closed, 44º at 7 a.m. and not good skiing weather.

In the 24 hours we had 1.2 inches of rain. Ian had been a downer about the weather forecast and I was trying my darndest to be positive. Well this weather sucks. Chuck, on the other hand, says it is … more

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