Tracy Black

Author's posts

The snow is beautiful, but it isn’t enough to ski on.

Closed, 5º, at 8am. Cold with 4 inches of snow on the ground.

The snow fell, but the temperature warmed up overnight on Saturday for a while, and some of the precipitation was sleet or freezing rain.

But we now have 4 inches of snow on the ground. Ian has … more

Well crud.

Closed, 22º, 5 inches of new snow.

Unfortunately we had no base left. Ian is on a snow machine, pulling a roller. The picture shows how every little hump and bump show through.

It turned out to be not enough snow to open, keep doing the snow dance!

January 8, 2022

CLOSED, 0º. Three inches of snow over the last 48 hours, on top of 2 inches of solid base. We need a couple more inches. FYI, the warming room will remain closed and rentals (with a mask) in the open room of the barn for Covid safety. Read the Covid … more

A few details………

Closed, 30º at 10:00am, not snowing yet. But you can feel it in the air. The photo above is from this morning. We are down to bare ground.

The plan is to be closed on Sunday. Get the base packed and let it harden up. NO SKIING ON SUNDAY!!! for … more

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