And…..the Chickadee is open.


Open, 19° at 6 am. Packed powder with a half-hearted attempt at a dusting of new snow.

17 km of skiing. Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, Peregrine, and Chickadee. The tracks are nice and the skate lane has set up. The Chickadee is open, coverage is ok. Quite a few rocks hiding just below the surface. Expect some bumps and humps. No Loon, but Waite’s Place Loop is groomed and open. The best place to be on a winter day.

On a machine again last night. The work of the groomer never ends.

So we added another machine to the fleet.

Today will be the best skiing of the next few days. Sunday will be ok, but with new snow and the temperature around 32º, the snow will be sticky and Maxiglide will be needed. Monday looks ok. But we will close next week any day that rain is in the forecast to preserve the base.

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