All trails open, snow squall this am.


Open at 9 am. The temperature at 7 am is 25º, and that is about the high for today. We have fresh snow on the ground, about half and inch. And a snow squall is still expected this morning. More snow in the forecast, later today and tonight.

Photo above is on the down track from Styles Junction.

A repeat of yesterday’s paragraph.

All trails are open. The skiing is good. We have been skiing on a minimum of snow on the ground. The natural topography of the lower trails are not as bumpy and lumpy as the upper trails, so with less snow, they are easier to smooth out by the groomer. Some skiers like/need the smoother skiing. The upper trails are great, as long as you are happy skiing the natural lay of the land. (That being said, Ian and his band of merry shovelers have shoveled a lot on all trails.)


    • ellen philip on January 28, 2025 at 11:08 am

    Is the warming room open
    Thank you.

    1. Yes it is! Would love to see you and John

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