All trails open and the skiing is good.


Open at 9 am. The temperature at 6:30 am is 5º. The forecast high for today is 23º. Starting the day with sun, then clouding up with snow beginning late this afternoon.

The skiing today is good. Ian is in the Pisten Bully grooming this morning, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Goshawk, Turkey and Peregrine. The Pisten Bully is working its magic today and the skate lane and tracks are firm and lovely

From Andy after he groomed then skied late yesterday, “I only skied the shortest Chickadee this evening. The fresh tracks—an hour old—were powdery-delightful, with good kick with Swix Blue. No herringbone needed between the end of Upper J and the J junction. The tracks that were set this morning were in good shape I’d recommend skins or no-wax for current conditions.” And Ian is on the Chickadee this morning putting in new tracks.

And the weather for Sunday looks pretty sketchy. As of right this minute we do not have a plan other than putting one foot in front of the other keep moving forward. I will let you know as soon as we can make a decision. It seems like the most reasonable forecast I have access to has us in the 6-12 inches of snow range. It looks quite likely that we will see a switch to sleet and maybe rain and that will happen at 24º. So we are going to maxi glide the shovels and fuel up the machines. Push back the snow banks, again, and hope for the best.

The photos above, Ian in the snow cat on the Grouse. #2 Andy grooming the Middle Blue Jay at sunset. #3 Andy on Waite’s Loop at sunrise.

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