A springy, December day.


Open, 37º and mostly cloudy at 7 am. 10 km open, Turkey, Woodcock, Snow Goose, Grouse, Peregrine. Expect spring conditions. The snow will be soft, but also granular. Bare spots will start to show up. Sometimes a little fast, sometimes a little slow, or even extremely slow. The snow is inconsistent.

We have now been open 12 days. Today the temperature is going to be close to 50º (don’t over dress).

For Saturday there is rain in the forecast, just not sure on the timing. It might not make a difference, we have too little snow even if it doesn’t rain. So make sure to check here to see if we are open on Saturday.

The photo above is the end of the day Thursday. Ian headed home, he started grooming at 5 am, and helped me close up at the end of a long day. Thanks, Ian!

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