A powdery ski today. We haven’t said that many times this season.


Open, 11º and 2 inches of new snow at 6:45 am and cloudy. Snow is forecast for this afternoon with a temperature of 30º.

All trails are open. The grooming is holding up nicely. A great hard pack base. A nice, firm skate lane and a really sturdy solid track. And then 2 inches of new light, powdery, sparkly snow on top.

A few shots from yesterday. Today’s skiing will be about the same as yesterday. But with the warming up and new snow, you may need Maxi Glide. Ask when you get here if you don’t know what it is. Bring it with you if you have it!

Yesterday this hardy group skied the entire trail system. Ian and Rob, three 10 year olds and a 15 year old. 6 people, a dozen cookies, bowls of chili, a gallon of water, some donuts and 25 km. Four hours, and that includes breaks for food and water and they were still smiling! They were tired. I heard tired legs and sore feet. And the two pizzas at the finish were devoured!

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