A beautiful, quiet, slow, snowy morning.


Open, 26º and snowing. Eight inches overnight. The snow forecast for today is 3-5, with an expected high of 30º.

All trails are open. Grooming is a work in progress today. The easier trails will get groomed first. You may get to a trail before a groomer. Ask when you get here for details. If you own Maxi Glide bring it along. You may need it.

The skiing today will be slow and soft and quiet. By tomorrow, after being groomed today and sitting overnight, we will have a firm skate lane and a solid track.

What life looks like around here in a snow storm;


    • Cheryl Gushee on March 4, 2023 at 9:07 am

    You are all so amazing!

    • Patricia Revoir on March 4, 2023 at 11:14 am

    I so enjoy your daily updates

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