Ohh, The Skiing Is Hard Pack Good, With A Dusting Of New Snow


Open, 11º at 6:30 am, and cloudy. Forecast high today, 21º and cloudy, maybe a few flakes of snow.

The picture above is this morning. Skiing is a nice hard pack surface with a little new snow from overnight on top. We are not grooming this morning. Ian groomed it all yesterday. Our grooming practice is, “to only groom if we can make it better.” Ian skied this morning and he can’t make it better. It is pretty darn nice.

A few quotes from yesterday, (we had a lot! of skiers) “That was amazing.” “That was really fun, some of the best skiing of the year.” ‘That was fabulous.” From Leah Slv, “It was sooo good today!” All from good skiers.

And from the beginners, it was their second time on skis, first time skiing two weeks ago for half an hour and yesterday for 3 hours, “That was good. It would have been easier for us, as beginners, if the snow was softer. We are tired. We went around the field a bunch of times and then did the Turkey, and then went around the Turkey again.”

So to summarize, the skiing is good. Quick, but really nice if you are an experienced skier. If you are a beginner, very skiable, but not as easy as if the snow were soft and forgiving.

Also we have a group lesson special today.

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