Spring skiing today.


Open at 9 am. The temperature at 7 am this morning is 23º. The forecast high is 40º.

The skiing is good. The skiing will slow down later today as the temperature goes up. We may still need Maxiglide today. Spring skiing. Fast in the mornings and sometimes in the shade. Slower in the warm sun and or warm temperatures. Just something to keep in mind as you plan your ski day.

The photos are from the weekend. Saturday Jamie and Hilary skied the Loon. Miles of smiles. And Sunday, two new names on the “Ski all trails in one day” sign-up. If you do the challenge make sure to come in and get a pen to put your name on the list.

And Jonathan and Joe did 50 km yesterday. They skied the “Caldwell Classic” Loop, a 16.6 km loop done 3 times to get to 48.8 km. Just in case you were looking for some fun activity for the day.

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