Open, 19º at 5:30am, forecast high 30º. Bring your Maxiglide. About 7 km available. The fields, Turkey, Woodcock, Grouse, and Peregrine. Coverage is thin. It’s good in spots, not good in a few spots, and ok in most places.
The plan as of this morning; we will be open Monday, Tuesday. Closing Wednesday because of the forecast. See what really happens and move forward from there.
Our friend Maaike skiing yesterday. She posts on Instagram, @maaiephoto, and she also sends me the photos in a message. Thanks Maaike for the help and the photos!
We saw mostly season pass holders yesterday. Everyone loved being out skiing. Everyone admits the coverage is thin and the skiing isn’t perfect. Everyone also said keep this in perspective. It beats the heck out of r*@n, and it was skiing, and overall the skiing really wasn’t bad.
Ian, snowmobile and roller, Sunday night about 8pm.