Open, 22º and partly cloudy. We are expecting snow this morning, 1-3 inches, and a temperature of 38º. Clearing skis this afternoon. And a temperature of 18º overnight.
Ian is out grooming and cleaning up. By the time you get here there will be fresh snow falling, the skiing is wonderful, snow globe effect will be happening.
The temperature will be around 32º with fresh snow—-if you have no wax skis you will need Maxiglide, or Swix F4, tip to tail.
This is Martha (above). Martha skis a lot. Martha was attempting to ski, laugh, smile and put her mask on. And Martha went down laughing, and smiling! Then put her mask on. And Martha said the skiing is magical.
Great skiing and lots of smiles.

More Swix gloves and lobster mittens, and red mittens. Some mid weight and some light weight. If you need new gloves, mittens, or split mittens, get here soon for a better selection of sizes.