12 km of loose granular, good skiing.


Open, -2º and clear, blue sky. Forecast high 20º and mostly sunny.

12 km open, loose frozen granular. Good skiing. Woodcock, Snow Goose, Turkey, Grouse, Goshawk, and Peregrine.

For info on Zoe and Catie’s kid ski camp, check this list.https://wildwingsski.com/category/special-events/

Skiing today and Wednesday look good. Thursday, I think we will be open, check before driving up. And then we will see what happens after this next storm. The four letter “R” word is in the forecast. The “R” word is why I love 0º over 32º any day.

For the next two days. A loose frozen granular base. The temperature will be warmer today, so in general a nicer day to be outside. We will take what we have while we have it! Jumping for joy with our love of winter.

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